Fully Automated Protein Purification (Magnetic Bead Based) with the OT-2


Expanded NGS Workstation (WHITE)-2

This webinar presents a fully automated magnetic bead-based protein purification with the new OT-2 workstation using Thermo Fisher Dynabeads™ Protein A/Protein G & Thermo Fisher Pierce™ Ni-NTA Magnetic Agarose Beads.


During this 45-minute webinar, you will learn:

  • A cost effective way to automate your protein purification 




Request Access to "Fully Automated Protein Purification (Magnetic bead based) with the OT-2"


BLIN b&wBoren Lin

Scientist, Opentrons





Boren was trained as a Molecular and Cell Biologist and has many years of experience in both basic and translational research and in academia and medical devices start-ups. He earned his PhD from Kent State University and is also ASCP certified in molecular biology.


Originally aired 03/30/22