Fully Automated NGS Library Preparation with the OT-2 using Illumina® DNA Prep, Roche Hyprep, & NEBNext® Ultra™ II


Expanded NGS Workstation (WHITE)-2

DNA Preparation for next-generation sequencing (NGS) workflow is one of the most important but tedious & expensive parts of this assay. In this webinar, we’ll show you how to reduce the cost and optimize the efficiency of this assay step with the OT-2 and the Illumina® DNA preparation kit. We’ll share a fully automated, high-performance process to perform tagmentation workflows to generate uniform DNA prep libraries for genome sequencing on the OT-2 at the fraction of the cost of other liquid handlers.  


We’ll also give you a preview of our new product - the OT-2 NGS workstation, which performs a fully automated NGS workflow.

This 40-minute webinar provides useful tips to:

  • Automate DNA preparation and NGS workflows
  • Reduce the cost of DNA preparation and NGS workflows
  • Increase the sequencing accuracy and precision via automated DNA preparation


Register for "Fully Automated NGS Library Preparation with the OT-2 using Illumina® DNA Prep, Roche Hyprep, & NEBNext® Ultra™ II"


T03SDMEH7-U01NHJEUQ0G-511b7f561006-512 2Matthew Akana

NGS Lead Scientist, Opentrons





Matt joined Opentrons in February 2021 as a Lead Scientist in NGS Applications.  For the past 10 years he's worked on NGS sample library workflows.  At Opentrons he's been developing automated protocols for a variety of sample library kits.  



mike-asham_bw_100x100Mike Asham

Director of Applications Sciences and Solutions, Opentrons





Mike joined Opentrons in 2021 as the Director of Applications Sciences & Solutions. He has a diverse automation background with over 10+ years in the field using a variety of high throughput platforms and research experience specializing in Genomics & Molecular



Originally aired 01/26/22