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Introducing the Opentrons Flex

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Join Opentrons' Kinnari Watson and Mike Todaro to find out more about our newest product, and what makes it uniquely modular, accessible, open and future-facing. Key features include 1-, 8-, and 96-channel pipette options, and a gripper for moving plates and tip racks around the deck.

Originally Aired 06/27/23

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Kinnari Watson, Ph. D. 

Head of Science, Opentrons Labworks

Dr. Watson studied Biology at Spelman College and has a PhD in Molecular Biology from Princeton University. She is an experienced scientist with a demonstrated history of working in the biotechnology industry. She is skilled in molecular biology, cell culture and genome analysis.




Mike Todaro 

Senior Product Manager  -  Hardware , Opentrons Labworks

A graduate of Cornell University in Ithaca NY, Mike has over 10 years of full lifecycle product and program management experience, supporting and delivering new software and hardware technology in robotics, automotive, aerospace, and defense. At Opentrons, Mike is responsible for the delivery of new module hardware products like the heater-shaker; gathering requirements, guiding the design and validation process, and coordinating the product launch.